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Semper Fi 

Latin for “Always Faithful,” Semper Fidelis is the motto of every Marine—an eternal and collective commitment to the success of our battles, the progress of our Nation, and the steadfast loyalty to the fellow Marines we fight alongside.


Bobby served for the United Stated Marine Corps for nearly a decade.  As a natural-born-leader, he acted as the driving force for his team, guiding them through successful missions throughout the world.  He takes those same principles into his life both personally and professionally, instilling a level of admiration in all who work for and with him.



Our floral mission

Established in 2017, Marine Floral was created out of a need to relieve florists from having to travel late at night to strike their events.  The florists' immediate response was they had more time to spend with their families and the extra set of hands strengthened their businesses, allowing them to process more events at a time. 


Bobby and his wife Sarah developed their services

to include delivery of goods prior to the event and rental pieces that support florists' designs.  Marine Floral services events all throughout New England, specializing in wedding venues in Boston and

the Cape.  

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